28th Journées d’Histoire du Management et des Organisations

Accounting History Review Annual Conference

Nantes Université – IAE Economie & Management

22, 23 and 24 March 2023

Joseph Colleye prize

Joseph Colleye 2023 Prize in Accounting History

Call for Applications


The Fourth Joseph Colleye Prize in Accounting History will be awarded during the 28th Journées d’histoire du management et des organisations (JHMO) which will take place in Nantes on 22, 23 and 24 March 2023.

This prize is named in honour of the founding president of the Belgian Ordre des experts comptables et comptables brevetés, created in 1959: Joseph Colleye (1908-2001). A major player in the legal recognition of the accounting profession in Belgium and its development, Joseph Colleye also was the author of 30 books and a multitude of articles, particularly on the standardisation and computerisation of accounting. As director of the Editions comptabilité et productivité, he supervised in 1975 the publication of the first French translation of the famous Tractatus de computis et scripturis of Luca Pacioli’s Summa, undertaken by Robert Haulotte and Ernest Stevelinck, two accountants passionate about accounting history.

This prize is funded by the Fonds Joseph Colleye, a non-profit organisation that also supports a series of activities to promote the accounting history collection of the University Library at the Université de Nantes. This undertaking pays tribute to one of the previously mentioned historians of accounting, Ernest Stevelinck (1909-2001), whose personal library was at the origin of the constitution of this collection. In 1970, he was the convenor of the first World Congress of Accounting Historians, whose 15th edition was to take place in St Petersburg in July 2020. It had been postponed to 2022 due to the pandemic, and its cancellation now definitively confirmed.

The prize in the amount of €1500 will be awarded to the author(s) of an article on the history of accounting, its techniques, and their uses. The selection of the recipient(s) will be made by an international jury. To be eligible for this prize, the article, written in French or in English, must have been published in 2021 or in 2022 in a ranked academic journal (please note carefully, preprints will not be accepted). In addition, the author or one of the authors must submit, at the same time, a paper to be presented at the JHMO 2023.

  • Deadline for submission of applications: 1 December 2022
  • The paper and a short C.V. must be sent to: prixcolleye@ahmo.fr

Previous award winners:

  • 2020 - Fabre Antoine, Labardin Pierre (2019) Foucault and social and penal historians: the dual role of accounting in the French overseas penal colonies of the nineteenth century, Accounting History Review, 29 (1), 1-37.
  • 2021 - Capelo Mariló, Araújo Pedro. (2019). Ad hoc accounting and accountability for the local governance of an epidemic crisis: the yellow fever in Cadiz in 1800. De Computis - Revista Española de Historia de la Contabilidad, 16 (2), 42-68.
  • 2022 – ex aequo :
    • Chambon Gregory (2021). Prendre en compte des comptes : Scribes, tablettes cunéiformes et historiens du Proche-Orient ancien, Revue de Synthèse, 142 (3-4), 342-385.
    • Lenoble Clément (2021). Avant l’ascèse intramondaine. Comptabilités ecclésiastiques, gouvernement et rationalité économiques (XIIIe-XVe siècles), Archives de sciences sociales des religions, 195 (3), 51-81.
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